we should also pay attention to our health

If I ask you what will make it easier to enter a job or professional life after studying? Everyone will say on average that in addition to studying, if you have some basic software skills, communication skills, and work experience, if you are involved in social work, then it is a little easier to get a job nowadays if you have an extra curriculum. These are not the jobs that are available if you have them, but these qualifications only help your CV to be fulfilled by separating you from others.

But today I will share with you a different thing that no one has told you about to date. It is not a qualification to write with a paper pen. An employer subconsciously evaluates you through it as well. And that's your physical structure. Many of us are after graduation but it looks like we are still in college. The reason for this is the lack of physical structure. If you're greasy or slim. Or if you are not healthy enough according to your size, then an employer subconsciously thinks you are weak. His mind begins to think that just because you are slim means you don't fit. You can't take the pressure off work. Maybe after a few days, you will have to be sick and on vacation. If most people are slim, they are not weak. But the truth is that an employer thinks you are weak, and maybe that's why you are not being selected even if you are fit enough for the job.

Therefore, along with everything else in student life, we should also pay attention to our health.

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